Tuesday, January 10, 2017


As a child I was raised in an environment filled with technology, but only in some ways. When I was two, my parents got rid of TV in the house because they believed it wasn't great for the development of my brother and I. Of course we still had video games, so we managed to waste time anyways. Technology is addictive, its true, and all the little dopamine receptors light up whenever you get a like on Facebook, a re-tweet, or whatever your poison is. As I've grown older, and especially recently, I've come to hate the inescapable connection of technology. The invisible dependence it breeds is god awful, but I still realize and love the advancement I see every year.

I hope to learn ways to interface with technology in a way that is constructive. I want to see how I can use it to supplement, but not overwhelm experiences in the class room and beyond. Its the future of the world, and you have to stay at least knowledgeable about the progress of the world around you to survive/flourish. I hope to learn that balance, and carry it on.

I'd like to start off first by saying I do not like or trust this questionnaire. It's two sided, rings of pseudo-science, and lacks nuance that I feel decent pop-psychological quizzes have. With that out of the way - I think it does gives at least an inkling of a portrait of the person who took it. I do like having lists, I like doing things myself, and I especially like seeing new tasks done physically by someone else. I think this reflects through the results of the course as I am slightly visual, and learn best by analyzing processes and lists. 

1 comment:

  1. (Knock Knock) Hi Will,
    The first paragraph makes me think of my childhood memory. And "technology is addictive" -- this issue should be seriously discussed in this Digital Natives era. We will discuss it in class. You may contribute to the discussion!
